Inspired by different typefaces and lettering from the 1930s in Spain, we created a new modular typographic system: “typemods”, with the aim of allowing its production by means of the CNC milling machine for the use in the Letterpress community.
We introduce a new modular typographic system: “typemods”. A typeface created for digital use that is also a modular system inspired by the typography developed in Spain in the 1930s. With the lettering of Helios Gómez and the “geometric figures” of Esteban Trochut as a starting point, we have created this system of modular blocks, produced in wood using a CNC milling machine, which is available to the entire community of Letterpress printers and workshops in design schools. A typographic universe that offers the user infinite combinations and possibilities.
To show the versatility of the pieces, we have created two digital typographies with them: “typemods_stencil” and “typemods_color”.

A long and laborious process is the preparation of the wood to an exact height of 23.56mm (+/- 0.05mm) for correct operation on a letterpress. For this, we use a combination of the CNC milling machine and a roller sander with different grades of sandpaper to achieve an absolutely smooth surface. The wood is varnished with shellac and polished with oil and pumice powder.

We mill all the modules of the complete typographic system in wood and cut the individual modules to the typographic dimensions using a original printers precision saw.

With the spacing material available in our workshop Tipos en su tinta, we compose the “typemods_stencil” typeface with the modules and print specimen.
In our shop you can buy a set of these modules or contact us for personalized orders.